Change a Child's Story
There is a Child Who Needs Your Help
Too many children are in foster care on any given day. These children are victims of the most severe forms of abuse or neglect, and were removed from their homes because it simply wasn't safe to stay. Now they are shuffled from foster home to foster home, waiting for the courts to decide when - or if - it will ever be safe to go home. In an overburdened system where resources are scarce and caseloads are overwhelming, it's easy for little things to fall between the cracks.

CASA Makes a Difference
CASA is the only non-profit agency authorized to advocate for the best interests of these child victims. CASA volunteers hold dearly the belief that there are no hopeless children, only children who have yet to experience hope. They work with the children, their families, the courts and the child welfare system to help find the children safe, permanent homes as quickly as possible. CASA volunteers are everyday people just like you. They are teachers, retirees, stockbrokers, construction workers and stay-at-home moms. The only special background or equipment they have is the heart to care for the most vulnerable children in our community, and the determination to do something about it.
Interested in becoming a volunteer?
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). Potential volunteer advocates must be interviewed, and pass a criminal background check prior to beginning advocate training. Information and training sessions are below. To receive an application and information packet please call or email San Bois CASA at 918-647-3267 or sanboiscasa@hotmail.com.
Volunteer Training
After being interviewed and screened, potential volunteer advocates attend 30 hours of classroom training, topics include Dynamics of Child Abuse and Neglect, Advocate Responsibilities, Family Violence, Cultural Competence, Permanency Planning, Accessing Services, and Court Proceedings. All classes must be completed before potential volunteers can graduate and be sworn in as CASA Advocates.
New Volunteer Training
Call 918-647-3267 for more information